

中国传统文化之旅 : 探寻张家界魅力风景,解密湘西千年古文化














苗寨内享用特色餐苗家 “苗王宴”。墨戎苗寨长拢宴是苗族宴席的中最高接待仪式,已有几千的历史。来了客人上了好菜。如果客人不对歌,客人进不了门。主人家唱歌的内容是欢迎我们的到来的。

我们以对歌的形式回应了,而且还对了两首,一首是学生们熟悉的科学歌曲Water Cycle水循环 (Tracy老师在偷笑中, 说明大家上科学课还是很认真的),另外一首是由我们的外教William领唱的中文歌曲《我们不一样》。对完歌顺利通关,我们有幸进入到寨内,马上就被寨里的悠美的风景吸引住了,坐山面湖,感觉生活在世外桃源之处。





在寨里,我们品了当地的茶,欣赏了当地的舞蹈, 品尝了当地的菜,了解了当地的文化,这样的体验还是非常难得的。在了解到当地的婚俗时才知道,原本男方要先在女方家里先试婚三年(以干重活为主,砍三年的柴,并打制银手镯等),如果未达到要求,女方是可以退婚的。而我们的William老师则真实地体验了苗族的“结婚”。











这是中国第一个国家森林公园,我们游览了“鬼斧神工”之作的袁家界核心景区, 《阿凡达》外景拍摄地——哈利路亚山,探寻影视阿凡达中群山漂浮、星罗棋布的玄幻莫测世界;参观云雾飘绕、峰峦叠嶂、气势磅礴的迷魂台,及天下第一桥等空中绝景






洞中灯火阑珊、石笋林立,犹如一株株古木错节盘根、 洞中有洞、洞中有河、无奇不有,真乃名副其实的“地下魔宫”,洞中还有投保一亿元的石笋定海神针、响水河、龙王聚会厅、天仙水、天柱街等著名景点。





SIFC Fieldtrip to Zhang Jia Jie

By Mr. William


On this spring week of the second semester of the school year 2018-2019, students of SIFC have had the opportunity to create great memories by going to an enriching fieldtrip in Zhang Jia Jie in northwestern Hunan Province. As a foreign teacher living in China for many years, I had of course heard about the region and its magnificent scenery, and so I was so excited to be part of this great outer school activity.

For an entire week, we had the chance to visit multiple areas in the region and I was myself very impress by the unique beautiful landscape and culture of the place. On the first two days, we admired the iconic scenery of the tall and steep mountains of Zhang Jia Jie. We took many walks in the national park and took as much photos to remember ourselves of this paradisiac place that inspired the well-known Hollywood box office movie Avatar. We then move to another town to visit an ecological park where the fauna and flora is protected. We saw nature at its best with wonderful lakes, waterfalls and wildlife such as the local monkeys.

Finally we went to visit the renowned and epic old town of FengHuang. There, we admired the beautiful scenery of the combination and the blending between the old buildings and the river flowing between this magical architecture. And a little further to the town, we got to visit the Miao ethnic group, where we were taught about their historical and unique way of life. Over there, I got this great opportunity to be part of a Miao marriage and play the role of spouse, hahaha. In conclusion, I am so grateful to have accompanied the students of the middle school in this great outdoor activity, and I have seen and learn so much. What an enriching experience!



文/李铮铮 Zen











文/叶泠慧 Emily





The Trip to Zhangjiajie

By John 杨跃翰


The Zhangjiajie is a place which is beautiful and surround by a lot of mountains and forest, as well as my hometown, this trip is very interesting.


The first day, we arrived at Zhangjiajie, we first go to the Zahngjiajie national park, I see a lot of beautiful landscape and some different shape of mountains, although in Shenzhen, there’s also have a lot different shape of mountains, but I still think that the mountains in Zhangjiajie are beautiful. On the second day, we went to the Huanglong cave. Inside of this cave, there are numerous different shape but very beautiful rocks, these rock are growing every day, but people cannot notice that in one day, there is a special rock which were reach at the top of this cave. On the third day, we went to Baofeng lake, this is the biggest lake In China, this lake has a fall, this fall are very high, it is near the Baofeng lake, there are some giant salamander, we can buy some food for them. On the fourth day, we went to the fenghuang ancient city, there is beautiful with it night. The fifth day, we see the landscape in fenghuang ancient city, and we went to miao stockaded village, it is beautiful. 

Field Trip to Hunan

By Katie 张梦湲


The trip to Zhang Jiajie let us have a good chance to enjoy the time that we could play together for about 5 days.  Even though the flights was delayed we still played like Crazy children. 

When we arrived at the hotel. It was already 4 o'clock . So we went to bed as fast as we can.  Waiting for the coming of the next day.

The" real" trip is start now!  First we visits the mountain of Zhang jiajie, Yhang jiajie and Yuan jiajie. The mountain was really high.  We have to ride elevator, the world's highest elevator to get to the top of the mountain. We also tried the Hunan's food. The next three days we have visited Miao village, Phoenix Water town and blablabla. The sad thing is, we saw a bunch of garbage are floating on the water of the Phoenix Water town. We thought it was the “resource” of the GPGP (great pacific garbage patch.) Many people threw garbage in the water and they think it was just normal, but for us, it was a horrible action to the marine animals because we have learned that. So I think everyone in this world have to know that we need to save the sea animals, by little by little.

ZhangJiaJie Travel Notes

By Alison 林渺淼 



Back to the day that I first gone to the ZhangJiaJie, I still remember when I  arrived I was appointment about the hotel. However, now I think this will be a memorable adventure.

When we arrived at the foot of a hill I was totally distractive by the spectacular mountain ranges and captivated by those magnificent pose of the mountains.      

And then, we went to the ten miles gallery. But why should we name this long corridor the ten miles gallery? Because of the nearby beautiful scenery, over the ten miles corridor is the grand mountain ranges. It's really tiring when you walk all of it ten miles corridor.   

Then, we went to The Yellow Dragon Cave. It’s colorful inside, in the cave everywhere has different light. When you arrive the lake inside the Yellow Dragon Cave. You can get on the boat and see how beautiful it is. Every strange rock, different shape, distract your attention. 

After that I think it’s the Phoenix Town. It’s really beautiful and grand. It’s old but when you see it closer I can promise you will love it.                          

At last, we gone to the Miao Village, the people right there aren’t like us they were really enthusiastic and kind. 

I believe it's the most interesting travel I have ever done. I climbed  mountains, walked twenty miles, I studied the things about the Miao Village, I remember how beautiful is the Yellow Dragon cave is, I got lot of lot of interesting things I had ever learned. It’s really a precious memories.



A Tour to ZhangJiaJie

By Crystal 卢心澂


On the beginning of our “Zhangjiajie”field trip, Which is Sunday, May 19th, I went out with a suitcase and a bag that full of luggage. I was surprised and cannot believe that the day had come so quickly. But the touch of my bag and the ticket in my hand seem so realistic.

In this way, the trip had began,we visited many attractions. They are all beautiful and fascinating,But the attraction that impressed me the most is Fenghuang ancient town. It is located in the southwest of Jiangxi Tujia and Miao autonomous prefecture in Hunan province.


The origin of its name is very attractive to me because I think it is interesting,story is like this: in ancient times there were five giant sycamore trees planted here, representing five directions. These sycamore trees once welcomed phoenix roosting. In order to remember this, people named here Phoenix.

In Fenghuang ancient town there are many alleys. Every alley has its own independent features and shops.

There are many shops selling foods ,small commodities ,clothing ,carving and so on. but the mean characteristic that was really impressed me is its style ,classic and elegant but it also very artistic. At night,the town was still bustling. I really love this kind of atmosphere.

However,this trip gives me lots of fun, let me learn more knowledge and other people's habitude. For example, in Miao village, people used their songs to show their emotion. Usually, they will have Silver jewelry, Miao embroidery, and batik on their clothes because it's there mean characteristics of Miao costume.

本文文字素材来自:老师Tracy, William



 桃李芬芳 春华秋实 



