School culture


深圳国际预科学院 “Voice of SIFC”2019校际歌唱大赛


秉承深圳国际预科学院的艺术教育理念,通过“Voice of SIFC校际歌唱大赛,我们不但能搭建亚洲地区各个国际/双语/公立学校之间友谊的桥梁,为青少年提供宽阔的艺术展示舞台,还能加强各学校学生之间的学术与艺术交流,激发学生们在音乐艺术的兴趣与天赋,共同推动亚洲地区音乐教育和音乐比赛的发展。


一、       活动基本信息


深圳国际预科学院“Voice of SIFC2019校际歌唱大赛


2019 1129日周五




二、       比赛规则

(一)   活动报名规则

1.        本届比赛为公益性比赛,参赛者均为免费参赛;

2.        参赛者限为亚洲地区所有国际学校、双语学校以及公立学校612年级在读学生;

3.        所有参赛者均可以单人独唱、两人组合或分别以这两种比赛形式参加比赛,参赛队伍最多人数为两人,所有参赛者均为同一所学校学生;

4.        所有参赛学校将不被限制参赛人数或组别数量,所有参赛者或组别需分别填写相应的报名表进行申报;

5.        比赛观众仅限为参赛学校师生及家长;

6.        参赛者需登录深圳国际预科学院官方网站填写报名表格进行报名;

7.        报名截止时间为北京时间20191112359

(二)   参赛规则

1.   参赛歌曲风格不限,歌曲语言限定为英语,歌词中不能出现任何不良语言(包括但不限于任何污言秽语或带有侮辱成分的词句);

2.   所有参赛者须穿着自己学校的校服参加比赛;

3.        参赛歌曲长度限制为5分钟内(包括上下台准备时间);

4.        参赛者需以MP3的格式上传参赛歌曲的伴奏;

5.        参赛者需上传一份时长1分钟的演唱视频至腾讯视频平台或其他视频平台,并在报名表附上该视频链接作为参赛资格的审核材料;

6.   所有参赛者不允许使用提词器或具备相同功能的工具参赛;

7.   参赛者所使用的歌曲伴奏的版权问题将由参赛者自行承担;

8.   所有参赛歌曲伴奏的版权将授权深圳国际预科学院并限于本次比赛进行使用;

9.   参赛者须自行承担一切与比赛有关且可能产生的费用,包括交通费、住宿费、签证费等;

10.    参赛者在比赛当天不得改变已选报的参赛歌曲,所有参赛歌曲必须背词演唱(没有例外);

11.    比赛将提供2只无线麦克风和2个麦架;

12.    比赛将以抽签形式决定各参赛者或组合的出场次序,参赛队伍需于比赛开始前30分钟到达比赛场地;

13.    全体参赛者需听从相关工作人员的安排;

14.    深圳国际预科学院将在比赛进行期间录音、录像、摄影等方式记录赛程,并拥有向公众发布的权利;

15.    评委组的所有评分结果是不可争议的;

16.    深圳国际预科学院拥有对此章程内各条文的最终解释权及修改权。


(三)   观众成员

1.  为了保证比赛的正常进行,观众在比赛期间须保持手机静音,不得使用闪光灯进行拍照或录像;

2.  现场禁止饮食;

3.  全体观众需听从相关工作人员的管理及安排。


(四)   评委组



(五)   比赛奖励

1.   冠军:1500元奖学金、奖杯、奖状、个人单曲录制及其他赞助奖品;

2.   亚军:1000元奖学金、奖杯、奖状及其他赞助奖品;

3.   季军:500元奖学金、奖杯、奖状及其他赞助奖品。


三、       联系方式

深圳国际预科学院“Voice of SIFC”2019校际歌唱大赛的相关信息将在微信公众号深圳国际预科学院(官方服务号)、深圳国际预科学院SIFC(官方订阅号)、SIFC学生微时光(学生订阅号)及深圳国际预科学院官网进行公布。如有疑问请发送邮件至











Shenzhen International Foundation College “Voice of SIFC” 2019 Singing Competition


The aim of the “Voice of SIFC” singing competition is to build positive relationships between international, bilingual and public schools all around Asia. We aim to strengthen music skills and communication between students in each school. Additionally, the competition is beneficial for students to stimulate their interests and talents in music. All of this can promote the development of music education and music competition in Asia.


Competition Information


Shenzhen International Foundation College the “Voice of SIFC” 2019 Singing Competition

Date of Competition

November 29th 2019


No.157 Lishan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China


Registration and Rules

1.   The competition is a Public Welfare Competition and contestants can participate without a fee.

2.   Contestants are required to be Grade 6 to Grade 12 students from international, bilingual and local schools in Asia.

3.   There can be 1-2 students per show and it can be done either as a group or solo. The maximum of a group is 2 students.

4.   The total number of contestants in each school is not limited. All the contestants should fill in the registration form.

5.   Competition audiences are only open to the school’s staff and parents.

6.   Contestants should fill in and submit the registration form on the website.

7.   Deadline for Registration is November 1st 11:59 p.m. (Beijing Time).


Contestant Rules

1.   No music style limitation but the language must be English and bad words are Not permitted in any performance on the day of the contest.

2.   All contestants must wear their school uniform.

3.   The allocated time for each singer/group is 5 minutes (This includes set up time).

4.   Contestants should send the backing track (MP3 format) to the email

5.   Contestants should upload a video of one minute performance on or others website. Be sure to add the URL on the application form before the deadline of registration.

6.   Contestants are not allowed to use autocue or similar equipment.

7.   All contestants should be responsible for the copyright of their backing tracks.

8.   All backing tracks will be licensed by SIFC and will be only used for this competition.

9.   The contestants should be responsible for all expenses related to the contest, including transportation, accommodation, airplane, visa, etc.

10. Competitors are not allowed to change the song on the day of the contest, and all songs must be sung by memory (No Exceptions).

11. SIFC will provide 2 wireless microphones and microphone stands.

12. The competition order will be decided by drawing lots. Contestants should arrive at the competition location 30 minutes earlier than the beginning of the competition.

13. All contestants should obey the arrangements of the competition staff.

14. SIFC will record, take photos and video during the competition and has the rights to issue these to the public.

15. The contest results are all decided by the Judges and any controversy is not accepted.

16. SIFC reserves the right of final interpretation and modification of these regulations.


The Audience

1.  In order to avoid affecting the atmosphere of the performance, please keep mobile phones silent and do not use flashlight to take photos and record during the competition.

2.  Drinking and eating are not allowed in the venue.

3.  All audiences should obey the regulations and arrangements of competition staff.



Judges consist of music companies, music teachers and sponsors.



1. First prize: 1500 RMB cash prize, a trophy, a certificate, a professional recording session with one solo song and other sponsored prizes.

2. Second prize: 1000 RMB cash prize, a trophy, a certificate and other sponsored prizes.

3. Third prize: 500 RMB cash prize, a trophy, a certificate and other sponsored prizes.


Contact Information

Information of Shenzhen International Foundation College the “Voice of SIFC” 2019 Singing Competition will be issued on the SIFC official WeChat accounts and the website Please scan the QR codes below to get more information. If you have any questions,please email


SIFC reserves the right of final interpretation of this competition



Oct 11st 2019

Shenzhen International Foundation College

